
f. -iō-; gen. elfar, dat. и acc. elfi; pl. elfar

Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "elfr" в других словарях:

  • Sigurd stones — The geographic distribution of the Sigurd stones. The Sigurd stones form a group of seven or eight runestones and one image stone that depict imagery from the legend of Sigurd the dragon slayer. They were made during the Viking Age and they… …   Wikipedia

  • Piedras de Sigurd — Localización de las piedras de Sigurn en Suecia. Se conocen como piedras de Sigurd a un conjunto de siete piedras rúnicas y una estela decorada, la piedra de Hunninge, que narran la leyenda del héroe Sigurd/Sigfrido, que logró derrotar al dragón… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Varangian Runestones — The Varangian Runestones are runestones that mention voyages to the East ( Austr ) or the Eastern route ( Austrvegr ), or to more specific eastern locations such as Garðaríki (what is today Russia and Ukraine). There are also many additional… …   Wikipedia

  • Piedras rúnicas varegas — Contenido 1 Convenciones 1.1 Transliteración y transcripción 1.2 Nomenclatura 2 Uppland …   Wikipedia Español

  • Varangian runestones — …   Wikipedia

  • Pierres de Sigurd — Les Pierres de Sigurd forment un groupe de sept ou huit pierres runiques et d une pierre peinte qui représentent des images de la légende de Sigurd le tueur de dragon. Elles ont été faites au cours de l ère viking et constituent les premières… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Лаба — левый приток Кубани (Сев. Кавказ), карач. Laba (KSz 10, 122). Следует отделять от сербохорв. Ла̑б – приток Моравы (в Сербии), а также от названия реки Эльбы (чеш. Lаbе, польск. Łаbа, полаб. Låbi, в. луж. Łоbjо, н. луж. Łоbjе, лат. Albis) герм.… …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

  • Álfheimr — Alfheim redirects here. For other uses, see Alfheim (disambiguation) Álfheimr or Alfheim ( Elf home ) is the abode of the Álfar Elves in Norse mythology and appears also in northern English ballads under the forms Elfhame and Elphame, sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Elbe — Geobox River name = Elbe map size = map caption = The Elbe watershed other name = cs. Labe other name1 = de. Elbe other name2 = Low German: Ilv country = Czech Republic country1 = Germany region = Hradec Králové Region region1 = Pardubice Region… …   Wikipedia

  • Elverum — Infobox Kommune name=Elverum idnumber=0427 county=Hedmark landscape=Østerdalen capital=Elverum governor=Terje Røe (Ap) governor as of=2007 arearank=80 area=1229 arealand=1209 areapercent=0.38 population as of=2006 populationrank=49… …   Wikipedia

  • Stor-Elvdal — Infobox Kommune name=Stor Elvdal idnumber=0430 county=Hedmark landscape=Østerdalen capital=Koppang governor=Sigmund Vestad (Bygdelista i Stor Elvdal) governor as of=2005 arearank=25 area=2166 arealand=2125 areapercent=0.67 population as of=2004… …   Wikipedia

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